Meeting Time: August 25, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

T.-4 21-1889 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0003 - Requiring COVID-19 Testing at All School Sites.

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    M Hernandez over 3 years ago

    Please bring this to every school.. we had it at sequoia last year weekly and it was so nice and made it a peace of mind to send the boys to school!

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    Peter Poer over 3 years ago

    I am very much in support of weekly proactive testing for OUSD schools. After the last year and a half, our children are in desperate need of in-person schooling and as much time with their teachers as possible. We need trained medical staff testing students so that teachers can catch them up on all the skills they've missed out on during the pandemic.

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    Mike Napolitano over 3 years ago

    I strongly support weekly testing for all students. It's a proactive, judicious, and responsible way to help keep all students safe, and could be quite effective in helping to keep schools open and safe.

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    Nicole Hunter over 3 years ago

    As a parent of an OUSD 6th grader, I support weekly testing. Proactive testing will help keep our students safe until vaccines are available for 5-12 year olds. Onsite testing is essential and possible with the support provided by the state government.

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    Darcie Luce over 3 years ago

    I support this resolution as written—we need weekly onsite testing at every school site. We received notice on Monday that my child was exposed to COVID at school last Friday. The fact that there was testing available onsite—temporarily—made it so much easier for her to get tested immediately, which gave us huge peace of mind. Thank you for your time.

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    Michael Gast over 3 years ago

    I am an OUSD parent of a Kindergartner and support weekly testing be made available at all school sites. Let's keep all our staff and students healthy and safe!

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    Apa Sohoni over 3 years ago

    i support surveillance testing. it will only help us to keep the schools open more safely, and for longer!

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    Emily York over 3 years ago

    I support weekly (or bi weekly if it must be) on site covid testing at all school sites. It is absolutely egregious that on site testing was abandoned this school year. Test hubs are not easily accessible and will not work to isolate cases fast enough to avoid community spread. I am also disheartened to hear that more financially fluid schools are finding ways to implement their own on site testing. All students should have access to this proactive health benefit. It just another example of the inequity within our schools.

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    Marthine Satris over 3 years ago

    We support regular proactive testing being available for all students at all schools

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    Charmaine Clay over 3 years ago

    It is important to allow testing to keep the students and the broader community safe and the schools open. The students have lost so much in the past year+, we need to do all we can to support their continued educational progression.

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    Melissa Cirilo over 3 years ago

    Families, Students, and Educators support weekly COVID testing at all Oakland schools. We appreciate Director Hutchinson’s efforts to prioritize student health and safety by initiating this much-needed resolution. As COVID cases and hospitalizations continue to rise in Oakland, the OUSD School Board must take urgent action to ensure the health and safety of Oakland’s children. Already within the first two weeks of school, there are at least 97 confirmed student cases, 16 confirmed staff cases, and 9 classrooms shut down to quarantine. There are undoubtedly more unconfirmed COVID cases at our schools - unconfirmed because of a lack of adequate testing. OUSD must use a portion of the $300 million received from the state of California in COVID relief funds to provide weekly COVID testing at all Oakland schools. We urge you to do what is needed to keep our OUSD community safe and vote YES on Director Hutchinson's resolution to provide weekly COVID testing at all Oakland schools.

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    Morelia Rivas over 3 years ago

    OUSD has the resources needed to fully pass and implement this resolution. Not only does the district have the means to provide and require testing at all school sites, it also has the resources to partner, as it should, with community organizations in order to provide vaccination clinics at our school sites across the district. Many of our families who are now in more vulnerable positions because they are unvaccinated would benefit greatly from the convenience of vaccination clinics at school sites where they are already dropping off and picking up their students. The very LEAST the district can and should do is provide testing at all school sites.

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    Rena MeyersDahlkamp over 3 years ago

    My kids are 8th and 10th graders in OUSD. I fully support and want to see implemented Dir. Hutchinson's proposal, not the version that contains Dir. Davis' amendment. Please use your power and position to make sure at least this bare minimum of testing is in place for the students, staff and larger community. Thank you

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    Sayuri Sakamoto over 3 years ago

    My name is Sayuri Valenza and I am a special education teacher at Bret Harte Middle School. Anybody who sets foot on a school campus while the COVID-19 pandemic still exists, should be able to take a COVID test at their school site every week. All employees, students and their family members deserve to feel as safe as possible and be as safe as possible. This is one way we can protect people and prevent outbreaks. We are taking risks every single day and we deserve to have access to weekly testing. KEEP US SAFE. Thank you.

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    Ginny Fine over 3 years ago

    We need to do weekly testing to keep everyone safe

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    ILENE FORTUNE over 3 years ago

    Please approve this resolution without amendment.

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    Tamara Henry over 3 years ago

    Please support T4 without amendments. As both and OUSD teacher and parent this is very important to me and our community.

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    Kat Park over 3 years ago

    I am a parent of 2 children at Chabot elementary and I strongly support 2X per week testing of all students and everyone else at every site in OUSD.

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    Mariko Miki over 3 years ago

    I’m a parent of two kids at Chabot Elementary and I support weekly testing at all school sites.

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    Shannon Tracey over 3 years ago

    I support bi-weekly testing of all OUSD students, teachers, and staff - with a priority to test those who are unable to be vaccinated (grades pre-K to 6). COVID is contagious before symptoms appear, and it is essential to both the safety of people at our schools and to continued learning that we catch cases before they become clusters. The current testing sites are not open at times when I can take my kids to get tested - they are in school from 8:30am through aftercare, and the sites are only open from 9am-4pm. If OUSD wants to keep our community safe and schools open, we need to not only "recommend" regular testing but actually provide accessible, free, bi-weekly testing at all school sites.