Meeting Time: December 18, 2020 at 8:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

H.-1 20-2116 Decision Public Hearing: Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0142 - Denying Petition of Alternatives In Action High School and Written Findings of Support Thereof (Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades 9-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal)).

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    John Batcheller about 4 years ago

    I oppose the decision to destabilize AIA's students and community during a pandemic and strongly recommend the OUSD board vote to keep AIA open. As a colleague of AIA, I was impressed with the school leadership’s and board’s response to the pandemic. AIA’s leadership team had a proposed bell schedule and distance learning plan in place BEFORE the official quarantine orders. AIA youth who needed technology access were loaned Chromebooks from the school and plans made to distribute coursework and lunches when stay-at-home orders were issued. Most of AIA's students chose to enroll at AIA because the school's environment fits needs which were unavailable at other schools.

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    Gena Kurzfeld about 4 years ago

    AIA High School has provided a critical educational program and safe, supportive environment to a community of color and disadvantaged youth, unsuccessful in their prior public schools. It is a DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity) school, and performs extremely well compared to other DEIS schools. A large majority of AIA students graduate with A-G requirements of UC, and complete courses with local colleges while still enrolled at AIA. This is remarkable for this population. This is made possible by creating curriculum and instruction that meets the students where they are, focusing on relevance and critical thought to build skills to face college or career. For most graduates, these students are first generation college students. Students have multiple after-school programs to choose from, including academic support. Course and school activities focus on community projects and restorative justice. AiA not only meets student need, hope for a better future, but also community hope.

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    Nancy Franco about 4 years ago

    El motivo del por qué no deberían cerrar esta escuela porque tiene muy buenos maestros les prestan la atención a sus alumnos y sobre todo los apoyan mucho tanto a los jóvenes como a nosotros los padres de familia cualquier duda ellos nos la aclaran y nos apoyan el plantel está muy bien porque ahí no hay tanto conflicto como en una escuela grande qué hay mucho problema por que ahí se apoyan entre todos son como una familia la verdad solo son buenas cosas que yo puedo expresar de la escuela y sobre todo queda muy seca de mi casa todo es perfecto les agradezco por tomarnos en cuenta para dar nuestra opinión y yo apoyo al plantel en que no deberían de serrarla por que la verdad vale la pena que siga abierta muchas gracias por su atención que tengan lindo día

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    Asha Nidumolu about 4 years ago

    As a fellow teacher in East Oakland, I think it is critical that school communities not be broken up, especially during these unprecedented times. The testimonies and comments made from teachers, community members and especially students whose lives have been touched by this school is a testament to how important it is to keep this community together.

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    Lucia Pablo about 4 years ago

    Yo quiere que la escuela se queda abierto porque es un escuela pequeño y Los maestro pone atencion a los niños y les ayuda mucho y. A los Padres nos ayuda con cualquier Pregunta o preocupaciones sobre nuestros hijos ami me quedo muy serca de donde vive con mis hijo poreso yo nesecito esa escuela que se queda abierto por favor escuchanos a nosotros como Padres asi como ustes tiene una escuela para sus hijos que ustedes quiere que ellos esten asi nosotros tambien🙏🙏🙏

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    Isabel A about 4 years ago

    Hola buenas noches pero que se encuentren bien yo soy la señora Isabel Alvarez y a mí me gustaría que siga abierta la escuela en primera porque me ha aprendido muchas cosas en esa escuela ella la tenía en una escuela privada y no salió con bullying ahí abusaban de les decían cosas a ellos y ahí no en esa escuela me gustan porque pone mucha atención en ella

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    Luz Guerrero about 4 years ago

    Yo Apollo a está escuela ya que en lo personal a mis hijos una ya graduada de ahi y otro que está ahi les a ayudado académica mente muy bien en conseguir ayuda con los trabajos después de escuela orientaciones a los padres de diferentes índoles y muchas otras ayudas ala comunidad.

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    Asha Gohil about 4 years ago

    I have been a supporter of AIAHS for several years and the co-creation model the school uses to connect young people and adults in learning that hears them, sees them and builds confidence in their capabilities. I strongly encourage the OUSD Board to vote in favor of keeping this school open and continuing to serve the youth of Oakland.

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    Katharine Earhart about 4 years ago

    Since OUSD’s core value is “Students First”, I am deeply concerned that OUSD wants to close Alternatives in Action High School in the middle of a pandemic. This action is antithetical to OUSD’s own core values. AIAHS focuses on “co-creation” between youth and adults to better serve their learning environment. Our youth feel respected, heard and have multiple learning opportunities. AIA has been successfully living OUSD’s core values for 19 years. Many of AIA’s youth are newcomers/english language learners and those seeking credit recovery, including many who aren't successful at larger, public schools. AIA is their final chance to feel seen and heard for who they are as youth, as students and as future community leaders as evidenced by our alumni. If the school is forcibly closed, my deep concern is that many of our youth will not finish high school as a result of this disruption. Is this the legacy that OUSD wants to have during a pandemic year without knowing the school or students?

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    Rita Trumbo about 4 years ago

    As a former Board Member and ongoing supporter of the Alternatives in Action organization, I request that OUSD support the submission of the Alternatives in Action High School charter. This high school is unique and offers an opportunity to many disenfranchised youth who might otherwise fall through the cracks. The school has the benefit of an involved Board of Directors under Alternatives in Action, as well as a strong Governance Board that works closely with the school administration and staff to insure the success of the academic and support programs. The personalized attention and support provided by the teachers and staff, is essential for these student’s success and ultimately to the future of the community by breaking the cycle. AIAHS is a valuable asset to Oakland, and I urge the OUSD Board to support the AIAHS charter request.

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    John Torres about 4 years ago

    I strongly encourage OUSD approve the Alternative In Action High School (AIA) charter submission. I am the Deputy Director for Youth ALIVE! and have partnered with AIA on several occasions over the last 5 years. I have always found the school and staff to be an excellent resource for some of the most resource-deprived youth that have not found a positive space to learn in with larger, traditional school environments. As an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, I witnessed the power of AIA’s impact. A young person I was working with failed in a traditional school setting, in obtaining their GED and ended being system-impacted. These unsuccessful attempts resulted in deep mental health barriers. When this young person was accepted at AIA, his life changed dramatically. He mentored other youth at the school sharing the learning lessons from his life, advocated for violence prevention changes with City Officials and large groups, and, ultimately, graduated from AIA High School.

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    Stephanie Cruz about 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Stephanie, I am a current student attending Alternatives In Action for my second year. I feel in need to reach out and speak up about my high school history before coming into Alternatives In Action I was going to homeschool and feeling very unmotivated with no support from teachers which lead me to giving up. My family members have attended and have graduated from Alternatives In Action due to being it being a family comfortable community. The communication from students to staff and teachers is the best which have made many students change a lot for their future and education.Our school has donations for family's that are in need of help, there is program’s that we get provided to keep trying to achieve success.The amount of love we like to return to our community is just something so beautiful I’ve never felt so welcoming into a high school till I attended Alternatives In Action.Please keep this educational school system open!

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    Sierra ThaiBinh about 4 years ago

    Alternatives in Action High School serves a vibrant, passionate, resilient community of youth and their families in Oakland. Youth at AIA are empowered to make decisions about their educational experiences and see themselves reflected in our staff. Many of them have already endured unimaginable challenges and trauma that might have made some adults give up. AIA youth persist because surviving and thriving through adversity is who they are and because they have confidence that the adults at our school believe in them unconditionally. That unconditional education and care is one of the main reasons they choose to come to Alternatives in Action after feeling othered elsewhere and getting discouraged about their future options due to a lack of credits toward graduation. At AIA, youth find the individualized learning and guidance they need to graduate and build their own path. Taking that option away from Oakland youth in the middle of a pandemic seems especially short sighted and cruel.

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    Ofelia Aguilar about 4 years ago

    Mi nombre es Ofelia y yo tengo un hijo que estudia en esta escuela y yo apoyo 100% a que siga eta escuela ejerciendo ya que todos los estudiantes encuentran apoyo individual tanto en lo acdemico, emocional y en todas las areas que lo necesitan. Las familias aqui encuentramos ayuda como talleres de informacion de salud mental, recursos legales y mas. El cierre de esta escuela seria como un desalojo ya que no se encontrariamos otro espacio como este done cada uno es importante. Intentar reacomodarnos seria una doble lucha en estos tiempos que ya estan siendo dificiles. Cerrar la escuela causaria una baja muy grande en nustra comunidad presente y futura. Le pido que por favor apoye a que esta escuela permanezca abierta su apoyo sera infinitamente agradecido y considerado parte del triunfo de muchos estudiantes graduados que recordaran como una fecha especial que usted fue parte de los logros alcanzados. Gracias de antemano!

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    Millawn Oliver about 4 years ago

    This school has made such a huge impact on so many students, fast and current. The support, guidance and love students receive at Alternatives in Action is UNMATCHED! This place is so much more that just a school, it’s a safe haven and support system to many. I was once a student here and let me tell you that with out this school I honestly don’t know here I would be. Please don’t take this away from the students, they are the ones who will suffer.

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    Maria Garcia about 4 years ago

    Please keep AIA doors open for our children this is a place where our children are receiving quality education and a place where they feel safe to attend school, The staff at AIA is very supportive always available, as a parent and representative of the board having AIA in my neighborhood its a piece of mind because I know my son is in a safe place and has all the support he needs to succeed. Please help us keep our piece of mind and AIA open.

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    Alejandra Rodriguez about 4 years ago

    Best school I’ve attended. Not everyone likes a big public school being surrounded by hundreds of students can be stressful for a lot of student. This school help me grow a lot teachers and staff always help with anything a student needs and give attention to the students. They treated me like family in this school. I graduated 2018 and that school was a really big part of me I learned how to be resilient I learned so much more than just academics in this high school i used to call my home.

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    Shante Tarpeh about 4 years ago

    I am the parent of Victoria Ojo, and since Victoria has been enrolled in aiah she has made a tremendous improvement in her behavior and academics. The staff is very supportive, and always keeps me updated on changes and updates through out the school. J rich always makes our family feel welcome and never left out and also is very supportive of the students goals. This is a wonderful school, and I don’t know where my daughter would be without it. My daughter is part of the student council and sits and attends all board meetings, she is her schools voice and she knows her input is counted and always considered in the school. PLEASE KEEP THIS SCHOOL OPEN !!!

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    Priscilla Cruz about 4 years ago

    This school should remain open it has helped my sibling get a control of herself as she approches senior year. In her freshman year she was given the only option of home school which she didnt like she was open to going to school after seeing her freshman year not being her best. Since her enrollment at AIA she has had a GPA above 3.0 it shows of the lovely staff and education she has received has done a tremendous change. Keeping this school open will not only help future scholars but families whom seek school as a nice gateway to bloom into our community within all the community work AIA has done compared to other OUSD schools which is very appreciated. AIA isnt defined by percentages AIA is defined as a educated family. Thank you for hearing us and are in hopes to see another 5 year reneweal!

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    Loryn Estrada about 4 years ago

    Many believe that charter schools try to steal financial support from public schools; however, not all charter can be classified as cold profitable businesses. Let's first clarify that AIAHS is a non-profit organization that invests 100% of the donations and district's funds in its Oakland community. That said, let us point out that most of the youth of AIAHS are students who have already tried different schools and faced rejection or indifference from those organizations; when they arrive at AIAHS they are supported to overcome feelings of self-doubt that those schools planted. At AIAHS, grades are important, but no more than the emotional well-being of students. When students decide to join AIAHS, they gain back their voice and self stem. AIAHS does very good job helping students regain self-confidence they need to take care of their academics. Let's not forget that most of the students arrive underperforming, but they showed growth that cannot be measured on traditional tests.