Meeting Time: December 18, 2020 at 8:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

H.-1 20-2116 Decision Public Hearing: Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0142 - Denying Petition of Alternatives In Action High School and Written Findings of Support Thereof (Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades 9-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal)).

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    Cristina Rubalcaba about 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Cristina Rubalcaba, Im a senior class of 2021 at Alternatives In Action High School. I highly oppose of the Oakland district closing this school. Having a small school is best, the staff can really keep students focused on there learning. Stepping foot into the campus a student and there families will always feel safe and like family, home. Im a senior today glad to be graduating from AIA this upcoming year, i have attended all four years of my high school at AIA and they were one of the best and most memorable years of my life. Most importantly the staff, they were never just teachers teaching students everyday, they were people we can always count on whether it was for a school assignments or our personal lives. A lot us of go through tough situations specially here living in the bay area, theres always tough moments going on but we can always count on AIA Staff being there and supporting. I myself Appreciate that school and I know anyone who attends next will too.

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    Max Aggrey about 4 years ago

    The pandemic has changed all of our lives in material ways. Even the most privileged of us have struggled with the 'Switching Costs' associated with the pandemic, from the way we socialize, the way we educate our children, even to the way we work.
    Alternatives in Action has an over two decade history reaching out to the Youth in the Oakland, CA community, with a focus on meeting students where they are.
    When the pandemic arose, these AIA students, many of whom were already impacted by less-than-privileged environments, persevered. We were able to continue education by transitioning our students to remote learning by providing the resources to meet them where they were. So as the board considers refusing AIA's charter to continue its 20 year history serving the youth in our community, has the OUSD Board considered the inherent "Switching Costs" of such a transition? Do the Youth, bear the brunt of these "Switching Costs"?

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    Edgar Alvarado about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose OUSD's desire to close AIA High School. AIA predominantly serves first generation and low-income students. The work that happens at AIA is extremely important if we want our youth to be the leaders of the future. AIA High School offers A-G courses while still ensuring students who are learning a second language(Eng) are receiving the necessary tools/knowledge to continue their academic goals. Whether that is continuing to community college or vocational school, 4 year universities or the workforce, AIA listens to our youth and works alongside students to support/guide them to any goals. I say this out of experience, I graduated in 2014 from AIA and decided to come back as a coach because I know the racial inequities that exist within our education system. Such as ideologies arguing that a school should be closed down due to funding or close proximity to another school, during a pandemic. So I ask you, who are you serving? Keep AIA open for Oakland youth!

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    Crystal Cheng about 4 years ago

    AIA is an incredible community of dedicated community members, educators, and youth advocates. The school believes in encouraging and empowering the youth. During the annual Presentation of Learnings, students present their learnings, growth, and areas for improvement to a panel of adults. It is incredibly powerful to watch young people take ownership and accountability for their actions. It is also a testament to AIA's curriculum and community that alumni return to contribute as AIA staff. The reason why AIA has this impact is because AIA focuses on each individual and meet the young people where they are at and young people are seen at AIA.

    It is unclear to me how other schools can better serve the students currently at AIA especially when the students have already tried other schools. During a year of incredible turmoil, this seems incredibly disruptive to our young people. AIAHS students will have their academic and personal growth needs better met by AIAHS staying open.

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    Ana Allwood about 4 years ago

    AIA is saving lives and protecting those most vulnerable to neglect and poverty in Alameda County and the City of Oakland. To make any decisions like this in the midst of the pandemic is cruel, unconscionable and irresponsible. The organization has been working tirelessly and is committed to taking action on all the issues identified. Can a more collaborative process which has the kids in mind first, be put in place instead of this?

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    Aron Michalski about 4 years ago

    On behalf of the California Charter Schools Association, I strongly urge the OUSD board of directors to disregard Staff's recommendation for denial and, instead, to renew AiAHS for a term of 5 years. The findings presented by staff are based on in accurate comparison data (DASS schools should be subject only to comparison to other DASS schools), on a misunderstanding of the school's governance (conflating issues related to AiA programs outside of AiAHS, the school operated by the larger organization with fidelity), and on personal grievances not rooted in fact (from attacking the integrity of school leadership to ignoring factual communications sent by prior staff at the charter). AiAHS has provided educational opportunities to students who have historically not been successful in both district and public charter schools in Oakland, for 19 years now, and especially during the current pandemic this option must remain available to Oakland students. I urge you to renew the AiAHS charter.

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    Wendy Gardner about 4 years ago

    We need schools to support the community and AIA is one of them.

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    Bryan C about 4 years ago


    My experience at AIAH has been amazing. I'm grateful for the amount of support that I've gotten at AIAH. The teachers here are the most helpful, kind, supportive and most of all there like family. I'm writing this to help the school out, to keep the school doors open. I've been here for only one year and it's been one of the greatest if not the most amazing years. This school has taught me to be who I am. It has taught me to be kind, be smart, and to love everyone around me. This school is full of positivity and it's also safe and you have a voice here you get to speak up for what's right. That's pretty much all I have to say.
     Thank you AIAH

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    Heather Romios about 4 years ago

    In these tumultuous times, AIA is needed now more than ever.

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    Kimberly Garibay about 4 years ago

    AIA is important to me because they have helped me with my grades and they try to make it less complicated with this whole pandemic so we don’t stress about it and There all really nice too

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    Jocelyn Campos about 4 years ago

    I feel upset because it’s my first year at AIA and it’s already getting ruined and it’s not fair because we are going through a pandemic right now, and in my opinion I think we are doing more then great because we are trying our hardest to learn and, all the coaches are doing their best to keep us on track and and keep us going and we are all doing our best to do much better.

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    michael matias about 4 years ago

    alternative in action should stay open because it is a great resources to students and what i heard is that alternative in action help students a lot

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    johanna pablo about 4 years ago

    As a student, I oppose the closing of AIA because it is a good school where we learn different things.

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    natalia contreras about 4 years ago

    AIA is important to me because most of my middle school years were spent at a charter one. Honestly I regret always getting in trouble because of that I got kicked out. I went to a public one and my experience was awful I didn’t get in trouble but my grades were bad. I know I was behaving but my grades were good. The public one was bad and that’s why I don’t like public and I’m glad I chose a Charter HS that can focus on me and my work.

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    Z N about 4 years ago

    As a student I oppose closing the school because they genuinely love they kids and provide help and care that no other school can give kids this is a home away from home for some

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    Stephanie Shaterian about 4 years ago

    I oppose the closure of AIA. Not only does this school provide unique opportunities for its' students, but closure in the middle of the pandemic would add undue harm.

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    Solomon Belette about 4 years ago

    As a former CEO of a multi-service community-based organization in the East Bay, located in Oakland, I am unequivocally opposed of current plans being entertained to close Alternatives In Action. There is an overwhelming evidence and support by parents, students, and community stakeholders to keep the school open because it is a lifeline of hope and opportunity for black and brown youth of color. Our youth of color need us now more than ever after all that we have gone through with a major health crisis that has uncovered the depth of racial injustices in our society. We can't turn our back on our youth of color as they deserve all the opportunities we can provide to restore justice and equity in our communities that will level the playing field. Oakland has a strong tradition of resistance and movement building to overcome injustices. Let's keep AIA open for our youth so they can help us build a more just, equitable, and prosperous society for all. Thank you.

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    Steven Salinas about 4 years ago

    I oppose the proposed closure of AIA. As a parent of a current student and educator of 28 years, I know first had the urgent need for smaller schools that individualized education to meet the needs of students who cannot function in the large setting of a "one size fits all" approach to over all development and education is taken. Studies show that students who emotional needs are met thrive and are more likely to succeed in school and, from my experience as both a parent and educator, large public schools do not have the capacity to support the needs of these students. Particularly those of underserved communities of color. High School in these areas have become a pipeline to prison for boys of color which needs to be disrupted. Having a small school such as AIA proves the proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. AIA is that village member that helps provide the support our boys of color who need that attention to succeed. Please do let our community down..

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    Maya Tussing about 4 years ago

    I have been a supporter of AIAHS for several years and the co-creation model the school uses to connect young people and adults in learning that hears them, sees them and builds confidence in their capabilities. I strongly encourage the OUSD Board to vote in favor of keeping this school open and continuing to serve the youth of Oakland.

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    Carla GerarduLow about 4 years ago

    Oakland needs schools that provide alternative paths to educational success. AIA fills that gap and shutting it down during a pandemic is unconscionable.