Meeting Time: February 04, 2025 at 5:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

F.-3 25-0215 Discussion and possible adoption by the Measures N and H Commission of the proposed Measure N Contingency Plan as Recommended by Staff.

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    Sheila Haynes at February 04, 2025 at 4:59pm PST

    it's critical it for yap to receive the maximum funding allowed, but also give reperations to students who were denied full funding. as a single mother to an autistic student learning online, who was traumatized by school closures, i continue to ask for all that can be available for these students. i put my entire hope into this program, as students like my son has much to gain in hopes to recover from years of learning loss, trauma, w/the overall harm caused of just not having a safe school to go . where he is now, is a constant reminder of these facts, so i urge the district to help all future students, as well as the former students who didn't receive what they should've received, in the form of some sort of reperations. also, in moving forward to continue to invest in the services for students at the young adult level. as their lives depend on this final gateway into adult hood, to gain as much skills as possible, i pray and hope you will do this, and thank you.

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    David Cammarata at February 04, 2025 at 4:42pm PST

    Regrettably, I cannot join the meeting this evening, but my responsibilities as an employee in the District are keeping me away. We ask that the Commission move to formalize the amendment discussed at the last meeting where we would be granted full-funding for the 24/25 school year contingent upon the approval of our EIP for 25/26. Having that discussed is appreciated, but nothing is final until it is voted on. I think it is also important that the Commission consider the history of funding, rather lack thereof, beyond when OUSD granted YAP a school code as we were identified by the State and County at the time that Measure H began. If we were able to present a plan to the Commission for the use of those funds, we would do so with fidelity to the mission and vision of Measure H/N. We eagerly await the outcome of the investigation into this matter by the Network Superintendent for High Schools and must note that our students- current, past, and future- continue to wait as well.

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    Amber Souk at February 04, 2025 at 9:11am PST

    Dear Commissioners, We are OUSD Students and we deserve the same Consideration
    as all other students in Oakland. We are more than our disabilities. We are full citizen of Oakland.

    Thank you,
    Amber Souk

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    Amaya Lee at February 04, 2025 at 9:04am PST

    Dear commissioners we are OUSD students and we deserve the same consideration as all other students in Oakland we are more than our disabilities. We are full citizens of Oakland.

    Thank you Amaya

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    Adrien Lawrence at February 04, 2025 at 9:01am PST

    Dear Commissioners,
    we are OUSD Students and we deserve the same consideration as all other students in Oakland.
    we are more than our disabilities.We are full citizens of Oakland.

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    smith patnode at February 04, 2025 at 8:59am PST

    Dear Commissioners,

    We are OUSD students and we deserve the same consideration as all other students in Oakland. We are more than our Disabilities. we are full citizens of Oakland. Please give us the funding for the Young Adult Program students to do Education field trips as well as fun trips. if you give us the proper funding we can even get paid for the jobs we did for the Young Adult Program.

    Sincerely Smith A Patnode.

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    Carol Delton at February 03, 2025 at 11:07pm PST

    It was a big step forward to see that YAP is proposed for contingency funding alongside other schools. On the other hand, I am concerned that the plan to fully expend the contingency funding before the YAP investigation is closed effectively negates the possibility of compensatory funding for all those years when YAP was excluded from Measure N. Earlier this year, we heard that district staff sought an opinion from general counsel as to YAP’s eligibility. However, since after months of inquiry no documentation has been provided, it is possible the opinion (which would typically be memorialized in writing) was never officially rendered. It also troubles me that the YAP leader at the time Measure N came online was not contacted or searched in the database. What can you set aside to provide compensation for YAP’s exclusion during past years? I note that a large part of your contingency fund was accrued through not funding YAP all those years.