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Agenda Item
M.-5 24-3136 Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 2, Agreement for Maintenance by and between the District and Digital Design Communications, Oakland, CA, for the latter to remove motion 141 in CR201N from the program and change description in program for smoke motions detectors in College RC hallway, library A & B; relocate horn-strobe from Room 202 to exterior wall, change descriptions in program for smoke detectors & conducting final test for new Fire Alarm (FA) devices plus 10% of existing FA devices, which includes approval for PCO 1 for the Coliseum College Preparatory Academy Interim Housing Project, in the amount of $1,652.99, increasing the Agreement not-to-exceed amount from $84,355.47 to $86,008.46. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.