Meeting Time: January 22, 2025 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

L.-2 24-2986 Approval by the Board of Education of Change Order No. 1, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, by and between the District and KM 106 Construction, Inc., San Francisco, CA, for the latter to "saw cut and remove additional asphalt near soccer mini pitch, excavate compacted subgrade, regrade, and compact for asphalt patch, place tack oil on edges, and place and compact hot mix asphalt," as described in PCO No. 1, for the Melrose Leadership Academy at Sherman Elementary School Site Improvement Project, in the not-to-exceed amount of $12,215.92, increasing the Agreement price from $362,049.00 to $374,264.92. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.