Meeting Time: December 10, 2024 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

F.-1 24-2403 Adoption by the Measures N and H Commission of 2023-2024 Measures N and H Unaudited Financials.

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    Carol Delton about 1 month ago

    The report shows different cohorts; YAP coming in would not be an anomaly: different numbers of schools have been funded each year, with some coming in later and others leaving due to closure or merger. Most relevant is that as of June 30, 2024, there is $5,297,962.15 in the Measure H Reserve/Contingency Fund plus $1,288,854.45 in the Measure N Reserve/Contingency Fund, approximately $400,000 of which is not allocated to any school. Moreover, OUSD's description of appropriate use of the funds includes that you the Commission have the power to approve use of the funds for additional programming that “may contribute to better student outcomes as outlined by Measure N.” As a voter, I read that Measure N was for all, not all except students with disabilities. You can fully fund YAP for the 2024-25 school year ($110,500 for 130 students) and have hundreds of thousands left over. Please make this right by amending this item to allocated $110,500 to YAP for the 2024-25 school year.