Meeting Time: November 19, 2024 at 5:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

C.-3 24-2403 Adoption by the Measures N and H Commission of 2023-2024 Measures N and H Unaudited Financials.

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    Sheila Haynes 2 months ago

    i continue to advocate and speak on the need for the district to FULLY Fund these programs, in order to
    allow our most vulnerable students to hopefully gain skills into adult hood that will help them in the most positive way.
    Because of the ongoing learning loss in various areas for my student, and with their not being a safe place, i'm putting my full hope into the district to provide the help he needs, and personalized based on his strengths, so he can progress in the best way possible.
    Being his only support, I hope that he will progress enough to one day be able to care for himself and communicate his needs, and feelings.

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    Virginia Bonham 2 months ago

    I would like to advocate for my students in the Young Adult Program. They are OUSD students and have been for their entire scholastic careers. For the last 10 years they have been denied funding that is due to them. You have said legal deemed them not qualified as students. That the Young Adult Program was not a school even though we received and school site code 10 years ago. This commission has denied students of OUSD in the YAP their fair share of money. My students work, take college classes, live independently, drive, want families of their own. They are full tax paying citizens of Oakland. We need full funding now!!!

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    Amber Souk 2 months ago

    Hello my name is Amber I am a student I work at central kitchen and I take an art class at Laney College. I learn about being in the community. We need money for supplies!

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    Adrien Lawrence 2 months ago

    i'm a good student I'm senior in young adult program. I take classes at Laney College. I work at the central kitchen. At the central kitchen. I help prepare the supper snacks for the students. We need funding to continue college classes and work programs.

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    smith patnode 2 months ago

    The reasons for us feeling Discriminated against is because we don't have the proper funding for us, as special need Students we need more money for the special needs student to do not just fun stuff but also the education field trip. we need you guys to understand that your not just hurting us but yourself as well. when the Students are there at your front door, your gonna regret your choice for not funding our Young Adult Program. we need you to understand you, we need you to listen to us and give the Students the funding for our future projects or our payment for the job sites and getting our timesheet.

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    David Cammarata 2 months ago

    I appreciate that the Commission continues to be willing to discuss the Young Adult Program's participation in this funding and programming. As requested by several Committee members, I hope to have the opportunity to share our application for full funding.

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    Carol Delton 2 months ago

    The report shows different cohorts; YAP coming in would not be an anomaly. It makes clear that different numbers of schools have been funded each year, with some coming in later and others leaving due to closure or merger. Most of all it makes clear that as of June 30, 2024, there is $5,297,962.15 in the Measure H Reserve/Contingency Fund plus $1,288,854.45 in the Measure N Reserve/Contingency Fund, approximately $400,000 of which is not allocated to any school. Moreover, OUSD's description of appropriate use of the funds includes that you the Commission have the power to approve use of the funds for additional programming that “may contribute to better student outcomes as outlined by Measure N.” As a voter, I read that Measure N was for all, not all except students with disabilities. You can fully fund YAP for the 2024-25 school year ($110,500 for 130 students) and still have hundreds of thousands left over. Please make it right.