Meeting Time: August 14, 2024 at 4:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item


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    Chloe Erskine 6 months ago

    I'm writing to voice my support for Resolution # 24-1968, Intent to Consider Joint Occupancy Proposals - Former OUSD Administration Buildings - 1025 2nd Avenue. 1025 2nd Ave has sat vacant for over ten years and has become a blight and safety hazard for our community. I've worked across the street from it at Dewey for 5 years now and have seen deterioration accelerate rapidly with multiple calls to the fire department and MACRO.

    The Coalition for the CTE TAY Hub has invested in a youth-led vision that aligns with OUSD’s strategic plan and helps fulfill the mission of college and career for ALL. This vision has the backing of community members and key system partners, and is critical for the success of Oakland’s transition aged youth and the health of the greater Oakland community.

    I want all youth to benefit from this opportunity and seek your support in making this dream and vision become a reality that makes space for youth to blossom into powerful and positive adults.