Meeting Time: March 21, 2023 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

A. Call to Order

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    Carol Delton almost 2 years ago

    I noticed there was no opportunity for nonagenda comment. If the Board is serious about making the committees the place where much public involvement takes place, there should always be an opportunity for nonagenda comment, especially when it is the only meeting of a committee taking place during the month and is a "special" meeting only due to scheduling issues. I wanted to raise a concern about the facility utilization formula employed by the district, which does not currently take into account the need for additional types of spaces that are in fact vital to a community school. I hope this committee will thoroughly vet the formula, for Prop 39 offers, for the upcoming needs for swing space both for administration and instruction and for other uses that may arise. Thank you!