Meeting Time: February 28, 2023 at 6:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C1. Public Comment on Closed Session Items

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    Jon Hioki almost 2 years ago

    I live in district 1 and I oppose the hiring freeze, cuts to staff, and school mergers. These actions are gutting the schools of vital workers and cutting off resources for Oakland communities. Please vote no.

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    Randall Leeds almost 2 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident in district 3 and I would like to register my strong opposition to any cuts or freezes. Students should be at the bottom of the list of demographics to feel the negative effects of policy because they are not voters who can easily advocate for themselves in these situations. We just do so on their behalf, or we risk damage that will reverberate for years. I support education, educators, and students always.

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    Anne Weills almost 2 years ago

    I've lived in the Burckhalter Elementary School since 1967 and seen how terrible it was for the students when Randy Ward, the totally unqualified Superintendent appointed by the State, practically overnight closed Burbank Elementary, a well functioning school with huge parental and community support. After a prolonged struggle to save Burbank, which was ultimately unsuccessful, many of the students transferred out of the District with some parents moving out of Oakland entirely because of the total disregard for the lives of Burbank's students and their families. We should not be merging schools!! We should also maintain the resources that presently exist for our schools. For resources, we should sell OUSD's 2nd Avenue property and give up its $250,000 a month rent for its empty offices on Broadway. The overall health of our students, our City's children should be at the center of any decision making for the Board. Stability is EVERYTHING-- for the lives of our OUSD students.

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    Pillar W almost 2 years ago

    My name is Pillar and I live in the Longfellow neighborhood in north Oakland. I stand with Oakland schools and urge you to vote NO on the resolution to cut staff, freeze hiring, and merge schools. Oakland students and workers deserve good public education and jobs, not cuts. I’m sick and tired of our teaches and schools getting the short end of the stick, and I want more resources for Oakland students. Thank you.

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    Laura Crowther almost 2 years ago

    As a resident in the Laurel neighborhood, these staff cuts are deeply concerning. The on-site school staff providing care directly to students should be prioritized to receive more funding, not less! We should not be taking resources away from our schools! If anything, please cut the expensive and unnecessary OUSD admins who often make six figures.

    Chop from the top!

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    Kyle Herbert almost 2 years ago

    My name is Kyle Herbert, I live in District 1 and I strongly oppose the measures aimed at cutting support staff jobs, freezing hiring and merging schools. We need to do better by our children and those who are working hard to help them flourish and this ain't it.

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    Owen WisePierik almost 2 years ago

    Hi, my name is Owen Wise-Pierik. As a District 1 resident, I oppose the hiring freeze and cutting any school support staff. Laying off support staff weakens an already underfunded school district. Working class families need more support, not less. Staff layoffs mean worse conditions for children.

    If cuts need to be made, cut the upper management and expensive consultants. If they made poor decisions, they should honorably take responsibility.

    Member of the board, I ask: Who stands to benefit from these cuts? Are the people who benefit the same people you were elected to represent and fight for?

    I know that all of us are all here in order to put the hard working families that OUSD serves first. I look forward to seeing you bravely stand with them and voting accordingly.

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    Lexi Ross almost 2 years ago

    I live in Oakland district 2, and I strongly oppose this resolution to merge schools, freeze hiring, and cut vital staff. Please stand with teachers and vote NO!

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    Laura Driscoll almost 2 years ago

    I live in Oakland district 3. I stand with Oakland schools and urge you to vote NO on the resolution to cut staff, freeze hiring, and merge schools. Public education is important to build strong communities. It is crucial we make schools stronger, not weaker.

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    Chris Flink almost 2 years ago

    As a district 2 resident, I oppose the resolution to cut staff and freeze hiring. "Do more with less" is never a good strategy, and to impose it on the workforce responsible for the education, care, and support of our children is not just short-sighted, it's cruel.

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    Maya Para almost 2 years ago

    I live in Oakland district 3 and I oppose cutting classified positions at schools. We need qualified professionals to help kids thrive. Please reconsider.

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    Owen Goetze almost 2 years ago

    Hello, My name is Owen. I live in Oakland district 1. I stand with Oakland schools and urge you to vote NO on the resolution to cut staff and freeze hiring. Schools in Oakland are in dire need of MORE not LESS support and the workers at these schools deserve your support, not cuts. The Board should instead look at consolidating and eliminating jobs in Management (Principals, HR, and downtown consultants) rather than direct service providers and counselors.

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    Matthew Torres almost 2 years ago

    As a resident of the Glenview neighborhood and a staff member for SEIU 1021 I am vehemently opposed to the cutting of all classifications. These positions are vital to continue the access to our kids and community. There’s always away out from austerity.