Meeting Time: August 10, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

T.-2 22-1514A Approval by the Board of Education of 45-Day District Budget Revision - 2022-23 Fiscal Year Adoption Budget for Unrestricted and Restricted General Fund, with $871,810,388 in Revenue and $871,519,864 in Expenditures, as specified in Attachment "A" - General Fund Unrestricted and Restricted Expenditures By Object and General Fund Unrestricted and Restricted Expenditures By Object; with all other Funds - Revenue and Expenditures - remaining in full force and effect as specified in the Adoption Budget approved by Board on June 29, 2022.

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    ScumbagChildBeaterAndStalkerEmployedAtOUSDNutritionServices DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisor over 1 year ago
    Please sign the above petition to terminate Mr Donnie Barclift, a known child abuser, from OUSD and call to action investigate the Ombudsperson, Mr Valenzuela, who covered up and ignored Mr Barclift's hate crime videos.

    Mr Barclift severely flogged with a lumber beam two 11,12 year old white kids in the '80's in San Diego County. Then sought employment at any school district near the Bay Area, attempting near Sacramento first, when one of his victims became employed as a teacher in 2000 after moving to the Bay Area. The other victim was not so luck and died the same year from a self inflicted overdose the same year Mr Barclift got hired by OUSD: 2009. Prior to this Mr Barclift had zero interest or experience in education and no college education proving it. My Barclift is unfit to work at public schools. Mr Valenzuela alerted Mr Barclift to remove the incriminating videos, misleading the public.

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    Carol Delton over 1 year ago

    I suggest using the term "limit time" funds versus "one time" since these specialized funds often cover multiple years.