Meeting Time: June 22, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

T.-5 22-0468 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0077 - Delaying School Consolidations Until 2023-24.

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    Daniel Hooks almost 2 years ago

    I support delaying the school closures!

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    Susan Austin almost 2 years ago

    My husband and I support this resolution for the reasons given in a letter we emailed to the board members. Our letter should be part of the public record.

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    MEGAN CHEN PORTER almost 2 years ago

    I support delaying the school closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita Middle School. The closure process was extremely rushed, without buy-in and planning these closures will lead to profoundly negative, long-lasting, and devastating impacts to public education in Oakland. The District is not treating OUSD students, families, and communities with any level of respect or dignity.

    The closures and mergers in 2012 and more recently 2019-20 can not be considered successful. Without community involvement and a purposeful strategy to increase enrollment at OUSD these closures will just enact more harm on Oakland communities.

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    Kathryn Daire almost 2 years ago

    I support the delay of closing Parker K-8,Community Day, and La Escuelita Middle School, using more time to understand community and environmental impact. This was a rushed process, and the impacts are not understood — and therefore cannot be addressed before the next academic year.

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    john pabst almost 2 years ago

    I support Director Hutchinson's resolution to delay the rushed and harmful closures of Parker, La Escuelita, and Community day.

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    Marge Haskell almost 2 years ago

    There is no reason to close Hillcrest Jr. High. Not financial, not equitable. It pays for itself and it is very diverse. These same arguments apply to all the proposed closures.

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    Linda Selph almost 2 years ago

    At the very least, all closures should be delayed.

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    Sasha Lovell almost 2 years ago

    I support delaying the rushed and harmful closures. However, simply delaying them is not enough. We need to stop school closures of Parker La Escuelita and Community Day!

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    Heather Davis almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8,Community Day, and La Escuelita Middle School to provide the necessary to time to adequately assess the true impact of these closures. This whole school closure process has been rushed and totally lacked any meaningful community engagement.

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    Oliver Brennan almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita Middle School. This action does not need to happen this year. More time is needed to properly evaluate the impact to the communities involved and all of OUSD, consistent with various laws. It's not too late to pause and get these big decisions done properly. Please listen to your constituents.

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    Miriam Marchevsky almost 2 years ago

    I support delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita MS. The rushed, chaotic public process of the closures with little to no community engagement, along with lack of publicly disclosed consideration of alternate solutions was unconscionable, especially in the midst of a public health crisis. Hundreds of families showed up time and again begging for a fairer & more humane process, only to have their pleas ignored. Please show us that all students and families matter more than business interests, special interests and charter schools, and stop the exodus of families from OUSD!

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    Diane Colquhoun almost 2 years ago

    I support Dir. Hutchinson's resolution to delay school closures and consolidations.

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    Alissa Moe almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita Middle School. This whole process has been rushed and terribly communicated with the community. We are also all aware that these closures will not save the district any significant funds. Please roll this effort back, and let's strategize together on how to strengthen our schools and district in ways that are equitable, just, and beneficial to students. Oakland's kids should always be at the center of these decisions.

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    Keng Lee almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita MS. Please take the time evaluate how closures impact communities, as well as the financial impact - there is available data to show that closures do not save money. You have an opportunity to go about this the right way, and not rush a huge decision with such a large impact on communities.

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    James Walker almost 2 years ago

    I support delaying school closures. Please re-evaluate all slated school closures for this year and next.

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    Shaye Diveley almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita MS. More time is needed to sufficiently study the impacts of these closures and the Board's original decision lacked substantial evidence to support closing these schools. The original decision was also rushed, failed to comply with CEQA and other laws, and was arbitrary and capricious. Neighborhood schools are good for the students, good for the community and good for the environment. NO SCHOOL CLOSURES.

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    meghan langston almost 2 years ago

    I support delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day and La Escuelita middle school. As stated before, none of these school closures are trauma informed, the proper environmental impact studies have not been conducted, and school closures do not save money- which has been proven in countless urban areas throughout the country as well as in Oakland. Please listen to the community who has been against these school closures and have TOLD YOU SO in countless ways- and vote to postpone these closures and keep our neighborhood schools open.

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    Rebecca McEntee almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8, Community Day, and La Escuelita MS. I hope that this delay will allow the district to consider in detail and with careful consideration the full impact of these closures on students, families and the larger OUSD community. The rushed public process of the closures with little to no community engagement, along with lack of publicly disclosed consideration of alternate solutions felt very disheartening and disingenuous. We can do better. We can be creative and collaborative. Other agenda items (superintendent can redraw boundaries, denial of environmental impacts on closure) tonight only add to the feeling that there is not a genuine interest or value placed on the OUSD community. Please show us that all students and families matter more than business interests, special interests and charter schools.

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    June Sunwoo almost 2 years ago

    I am in support of delaying the planned closures of Parker K-8,Community Day, and La Escuelita Middle School to provide the necessary time to thoughtfully assess the full impact these closures will have on students and the OUSD community as-a-whole. The rushed process of all the closures, with NO prior community engagement, and seemingly no effort to strategize alternate solutions can still be rectified. Please show the OUSD community that we can do better than this. Work with each and every school community that is being impacted by these closures to find a way to keep all of our schools open.

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    Pete Farruggio almost 2 years ago

    I not only support the delay of school closures, but I support the ENDING of school closures Virtually no money is saved by closing schools, and our children deserve smaller uncrowded learning spaces. These are learning spaces, not factories