Meeting Time: March 30, 2022 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

22-0575 Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0195 - Finding That Yu Ming Charter School Cannot Be Accommodated At A Single Site and Written Statement Of Reasoning; Adopting Issuance of Proposition 39 Facilities Offers and Directing Staff to Issue Written Final Offers in Compliance with Proposition 39. Or alternatively, Resolution No. 2122-0195A or Resolution No. 2122-0195B.

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    ViolentChildAttackerAndStalkerEmployedByOUSD DonnieBarcliftFieldSupervisorNutritionServices almost 3 years ago

    Mandated reporters, PTA, Board,
    Mr Barclift's battery of the two adolescents were far more severe than last week's Oscars.
    Why does the Ombudsperson Mr Valenzuela and the Board think that Mr Barclift is immune? Even if OUSD only has a complaint of a past incident and his malicious reason to seek employment at a school district what they did have physical proof of was two videos he uploaded to his public youtube channel of a male battering a victim with a 2x4 lumber beam the exact same board he used to beat the two kids with. . One was affected so traumatically that kid died from a drug overdose twenty years later in 2009 the same year OUSD hired Mr Barclift. Why did the Ombudsperson and Board dismiss Mr Barclift's public assault and battery youtube videos?

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    Gabriel Gasque almost 3 years ago

    I am a Latino father of a beautiful brown child who has flourished at Yu Ming, guided by the care and dedication of awesome teachers, committed to all children in our community. Yu Ming is a PUBLIC, FREE school that gives enrollment priority to local and low-income families. We understand the strains at OUSD right now and wish not to be a burden, but we need a physical space to keep providing excellent education. We want to be partners. I request that you approve a suitable facility for our kindergarten and elementary school children.

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    Steve Weis almost 3 years ago

    I am a parent of a kindergartener at Yu Ming. I am writing to encourage your support for a Prop 39 facility offer that will be appropriate for young students and which will not burden existing OUSD schools.

    Yu Ming is an excellent *public* charter school that is free to attend. It is Oakland's only public school with a Mandarin language immersion program. Yu Ming is assigned by lottery and gives priority to local neighborhood and low income students. As a result, its student body represents a broad range of Oakland communities.

    92% of Yu Ming students come from a BIPOC background. They come from homes that speak 27 different languages, of which 16% are economically disadvantaged. Academically, 94% of Yu Ming students at or above math and English reading proficiency.

    Whichever facility Yu Ming operates from, local neighborhood and low income students will have priority in the lottery to attend. Opposing a Prop 39 facility offer means disproportionately fewer opportunities for them.

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    Carrie Smith almost 3 years ago

    I’m in strong support of finding a location for Yu Ming. Co-location isn’t ideal and could create a lot of tension for everyone involved. I’d ask the board to find another site that won’t have to be shared in a neighborhood with a high minority population and high FRL population so that students of color and lower-income students have access to the best available free education in the county. Yu Ming wants to serve these children and can only do so by being close by since many of these families don’t have the luxury of being able to commute to a school. This shouldn’t be an issue of public vs charter. Objectively, Yu Ming’s math and English scores are higher than any other school in the area. Please give more Oakland students, especially the students who will benefit the most, the opportunity to receive this quality of education.

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    Katy Lundgren almost 3 years ago

    No charter school co-location in public school buildings! OUSD schools need that classroom space, especially those that are being designated as “welcoming schools”. This disrupts student learning. Find a better solution - and actually consult wwith the communities being impacted.

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    Richard Cuthrell almost 3 years ago

    Colocating Yu Ming Charter School with OUSD public schools disrupts the education of OUSD students and destabilizes our public schools.

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    Marcia Henry almost 3 years ago

    No public assets for private entities. (Despite what charter schools claim, they are private entities.)

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    April Hawkins almost 3 years ago

    Garfield Elementary School lives out the district’s mission to be a “Full Service Community District focused on high academic achievement while serving the whole child, eliminating inequity, and providing each child with excellent teachers, every day.” We are able to do this through maximizing our space. Our “unused classrooms” are in fact highly used, by our newcomer students and staff for small group support, by our Family Resource Center to connect families to the resources we offer, our special education programs including an inclusion program and resource program, and classrooms used by intervention teachers and our community reading partners such as Children Rising for reading and math intervention. If Yu Ming were to be colocated, our most vulnerable students would be forced to receive their support and intervention in distracting hallways, cramped classroom corners, and closets. Please find a solution that supports Yu Ming as well as OUSD kids - live out your OWN mission.

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    Erica Pan almost 3 years ago

    As a Yu Ming parent, we want to be in partnership and in community with OUSD. We want to work with OUSD and the east bay community to increase quality educational public school opportunities for our children to thrive, with an eye to closing disparities. Yu Ming serves students from 34 cities from all over the Bay Area, especially Alameda County. The impact will be spread across several school districts.
    Yu Ming partners with many others to achieve our goals of increasing opportunities and diversity, including Head Start, Oakland REACH, and faith based organizations to name a few. The school and parents work in partnership and the efforts are reflected in our student body today. We need a space to support our community and continue doing this work to serve students to thrive and work further to close gaps and provide free access to public language immersion opportunities.

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    Sara Farmer almost 3 years ago

    The Garfield Elementary school community is opposed to the Yu Ming charter school relocating to our campus. At Garfield we strive every day to fully embody OUSD’s vision of a full service community school. To that end we have a Family Resource Center, we have the EBAYC after school program, we have academic mentoring, we have a Newcomer teacher, and more. All of these resources require space for staff to meet with groups of students, families, and after school mentors, which would be completely taken away if Yu Ming co-located at our school. Furthermore we are working to build and expand our enrollment– if Yu Ming co-located at our school this would impede our own ability to grow. We know it is not the preference of Yu Ming to be housed partly at our school so we encourage all parties to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

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    Shauna CastroMcDaniel almost 3 years ago

    Please cconsider centering children rather than money and politics and remember OUSDs own resolution Reparations for Black Students, "co-locations under Prop 39 have resulted in the harmful displacement of Black children from classrooms into closets." All children deserve space to grow and learn -traditional public and charter school. May this Board use its power and position to create a new option that's of healing and doesn't continue harms of past. All of our children will feel impact of your actions, your vote. Please, please consider a new option that allows all schools discussed to have access to a full school site. Children deserve more and this board is in position to make some positive changes amidst collective loss. Hope!

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    Yuting Wong almost 3 years ago

    Please grant this great school some room to allow learning!

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    Felisha West almost 3 years ago

    Brookfield Village community needs their public schools for their students and parents. We have suffer through this pandemic and the misdirection from the people who we have elected that's supposed to support our children education needs within our communities. Now we the residence and the people within our community want a public school which we paid taxes for.

    I opposed sending our children across town to get their Education spaces up so another institution can take their space.

    Our students need stability and normalcy without interruption and disturbance .
    This community is working through safety issues, gun violence, traffic, the economic of many families, the unhouse homelessness people that live in our community has impacted our community.
    Our elected officials needs to know their community concerns before they dismantle it and caused it great harm.

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    Alvin Mar almost 3 years ago

    This resolution is to utilize existing infrastructure that are currently being under-used. No new OSDU resources are requested by Yu Ming.

    Please vote yes on a resolution that would bring our Oakland communities together. By voting yes, it will provide a great opportunity for OSDU, teachers, parents and Yu Ming to collaborate and provide opportunities to all children regardless of what communities they are from. Thank you.

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    Lauren West almost 3 years ago

    Don’t close Brookfield school

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    Shaundra Toombs almost 3 years ago

    I do not agree with the Colocation. We need the school for our children and their educational growth. The Yu Ming Colocation does not serve low income nor children of color. The Prescott children does not need lack in their education we need to be able to service low income and children of coke within the neighborhood.

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    Maurina Kirkland almost 3 years ago

    The Garfield Elementary school community is opposed to the Yu Ming charter school relocating to our campus. At Garfield we strive every day to fully embody OUSD’s vision of a full service community school. To that end we have a Family Resource Center, we have the EBAYC after school program, we have academic mentoring, we have a Newcomer teacher, and more. All of these resources require space for staff to meet with groups of students, families, and after school mentors, which would be completely taken away if Yu Ming co-located at our school. Furthermore we are working to build and expand our enrollment– if Yu Ming co-located at our school this would impede our own ability to grow. We know it is not the preference of Yu Ming to be housed partly at our school so we encourage all parties to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

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    Jill Karjian almost 3 years ago

    Prop 39 is deeply flawed legislation that offers "unused" classrooms that in reality provide essential services for our public school students. A co-location isn't in the best interest of our OUSD public schools and it isn't in the best interest of Yu Ming who would much prefer to have stability at their own campus.
    It is disgraceful that the Alameda County Board of Education voted to approve the expansion of Yu Ming then reversed course to deny them their location in San Lorenzo, but the burden of the harm and displacement under prop 39 should not fall exclusively on Oakland students. This is no slight to Yu Ming or its community, but as a countywide charter, their expansion should be the responsibility of the county board.
    It is equally disgraceful that a majority of you voted to close Brookfield and are now looking to seal the deal before the public gets their say at the ballot box.

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    Sebastian S almost 3 years ago

    I am reading these comments and would like to clear up a misperception: YU MING IS A PUBLIC SCHOOL. It is open to everyone and IT IS FREE. It is not part of the OUSD run schools, it is a "public charter" school. My wife is a public school teacher (and a CTA site leader), and we could never afford a private school. But, even if we could afford a private school, we would not send our children to one. Free, public education is the backbone of American democracy and helps bring our community together across social and economic and racial lines.

    Yu Ming is providing an incredible education for every child who can get in. But, there are lots of children it cannot serve due to lack of space.

    OUSD's financial woes are not related to Yu Ming. Declining enrollment, an outsized ratio of campuses to students, and other managerial / board decisions have lead to the current situation. Please do not punish the students who want a high quality, free, public education at Yu Ming. Support Yu Ming

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    Jacqueline Ragland almost 3 years ago

    The Garfield Elementary school community is opposed to the Yu Ming charter school relocating to our campus. At Garfield we strive every day to fully embody OUSD’s vision of a full service community school. To that end we have a Family Resource Center, we have the EBAYC after school program, we have academic mentoring, we have a Newcomer teacher, and more. All of these resources require space for staff to meet with groups of students, families, and after school mentors, which would be completely taken away if Yu Ming co-located at our school. Furthermore we are working to build and expand our enrollment– if Yu Ming co-located at our school this would impede our own ability to grow. We know it is not the preference of Yu Ming to be housed partly at our school so we encourage all parties to ensure that this doesn’t happen.