Meeting Time: March 23, 2022 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

T.-4 22-0571 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0202 - Finding That East Bay Innovation Academy (EBIA), a Charter School, Cannot Be Accommodated At A Single Site and Written Statement Of Reasoning; Adopting Issuance of Proposition 39 Facilities Offers and Directing Staff to Issue Written Final Offers in Compliance with Proposition 39.

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    lc Pedersen almost 3 years ago

    STRONGLY OPPOSE THIS MEASURE. The fact that this is even a consideration is mind-blowing! We do not need high schoolers on campus at a middle school that is already overpopulated and underfunded. Please take this proposal elsewhere. It would be more suitable at one of the high school campuses.
    LC Pedersen
    Parent + PTO Volunteer

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    Denise Clark almost 3 years ago

    I don’t feel comfortable with high schoolers on campus with middle school school
    Children. I oppose this and think this is a bad idea. Find somewhere else to bring yet another Charter School

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    Maria Capitelli almost 3 years ago

    Montera Middle School has faced significant challenges this year with socialization and emotional well-being of the students. Bringing high school students onto the Montera campus will add extra stressors to the students and staff of Montera and will negatively impact the well-being of the middle school students.

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    Pamela Harris almost 3 years ago

    It is an outrageous proposal to bring another school with its administration, students, and activities to Montera. Montera Middle School is currently under funded and over utilized. Adding more bodies and more use to the current facilities will add a strain and burden on our community that OUSD should not be asking us to make. What we need right now are additional resources for janitorial and maintenance that so that our current student body can more fully inhabit and utilize our facilities. Do not force a new program and more students into an already untenable situation.
    -Montera Parent & Active Maintenance Volunteer

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    Caleb Entrekin almost 3 years ago

    We DO NOT want the charter school students on campus. This would be a mistake! Also - we find it HIGHLY inappropriate to have high school students on the same campus with elementary students. The difference between a 6th grader and 12th grader is far too much. The school already has safety issues and adding highshool students will only make it worse.

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    Chris Pedersen almost 3 years ago

    Use the Hillside Campus. Montera is already impacted with current student body. High School students should have a faciality separate from Montera's Middle School population.

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    Carol Richardson almost 3 years ago

    Please do not take space from Montera to give it to a charter school. OUSD is being destroyed by the false promises of charter schools. Not all EBIA students are even from Oakland.

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    A D almost 3 years ago

    Montera rapidly expanded this past year and is working tirelessly to ensure a strong sense of community and belonging for all students.
    While I understand OUSD is obligated to find space for a charter school, please look to a campus that is truly under-utilized, not one that is expanding. This additional strain on the facility, administration, and the resulting restrictions on students is not appropriate at this time.

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    Fabiola C almost 3 years ago

    I don’t not agree with sharing the school with a charter school.I don’t think taking our students space and classrooms is fair for our students.
    Charter schools are not public school they can always find a different building to stay. we already have our own situation and problems to deal with we don’t need to bring anymore.
    Plus Having older kids mix with middle schools kids not ok I do think older students bring other type of issues that we don’t need.

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    Kristin Glass almost 3 years ago

    I couldn't be more opposed to the co-location of any schools, but am particularly disheartened and highly opposed to EBIA co-locating their high school at Montera where my daughter attends. Four underutilized rooms is sufficient space to expand their high school? Where will their administration be? What if those students need a school nurse? Or a computer? Where will they eat lunch? We will share resources? In an already resource-strapped school? You say your aim is to ensure that every student thrives, but you keep sowing chaos in the district with closures, and consolidations, and co-locations with charters. Why not move them to the vacant elementary school you just closed on our family--Kaiser Elementary. Please stop! Please vote no!

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    Zoe RieringCzekalla almost 3 years ago

    Montera's campus is already overcrowded. Sending high school students there is inappropriate. OUSD needs to get it together and manage its funds better.

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    Jessica Neighbor almost 3 years ago

    Our family does NOT want High School students on Montera's already HUGE student body middle school campus. We are concerned over the students' safety and we have overcrowding concerns.

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    Jozlyn Shirley almost 3 years ago

    I am completely opposed to allowing a high school to hold classes on Montera's (already full) campus. As a parent and aunt of two current students, this is greatly concerning. Horrible idea.

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    Runa RIERINGCZEKALLA almost 3 years ago

    I‘m very concerned about moving parts of the charter High School to Montera Middle School . As a parent of a 6th grade student I see too many challenges coming up if middle school and high school are together on one campus. For the students and as well for the staff. Middle school is a very particular age group which gets easily influenced. Plus there are worlds between a six grade student and a 9th grade and up student. I would have never chosen Montera as an option if I would have known it would also facilitate high school students. This is not fair to us parents or to Montera .

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    Xochitl Gavidia almost 3 years ago

    Absolutely not! There is no reason good enough to mix high schoolers with middle schoolers. Montera already has many students and in the time of covid I think having extra space in classrooms is important. Montera students shouldn't be put in the position of having to bail out a charter school and solve their problems.

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    Luana Jones almost 3 years ago

    I am definitely opposed to high school students being on campus.

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    Jennifer Schneider almost 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose having high school students sharing the same space as our Montera Middle School students. It seems the range, developmentally is already widespread from 6th to 8th grade and older students should have a different space. Use of these rooms, means that the Montera student body also can't grow and/or that if it does the classroom space won't be available to accommodate all of the middle school students.

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    GWEN HAYNES almost 3 years ago

    Our family does not want High School students on already HUGE student body middle school campus.

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    Alice Lawrence almost 3 years ago

    Putting high school kids in Montera sounds like a very problematic concept. My granddaughter is a young and impressionable preteen. There are enough challenges already at the school and I believe such a change would be entirely deleterious.

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    Malaya turpin almost 3 years ago

    I don't feel comfortable having high schoolers around my 6th grade daughter. It is unacceptable.