Meeting Time: October 28, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

21-2643 Charter School Spotlight Presentation to the Charters Committee by Leadership Public Schools (LPS) Oakland Research & Development (R&D) Oakland.

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    Chip Weber over 3 years ago

    Dear Board Members,
    We’re proud educators at LPS Oakland with 4-8 years of experience and representatives of East Bay Educators United (EBEU) – LPS’ newly formed union of certificated staff. Tonight you’ll hear from our leaders about the amazing work we do. While we’re proud of this and more, we also want to share some concerns. Earlier this fall, 92% of our staff signed a letter expressing a loss of confidence in our Superintendent amidst rapid leadership changes and questionable decision-making. Unfortunately our Board of Trustees has not taken significant action to assuage the concerns of our community. We have had mass turnover including 2 of 19 teachers leaving in the last couple weeks. These vacancies are covered by subs, and our Ed Specialists and Counselors have caseloads at or above capacity. We share these concerns with you so you can guide our leaders and Board to change their divisive practices and reinvest resources in our staff who have the most direct impact on students.