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Agenda Item

G.-1 21-2235 A discussion by the Facilities Committee of Board Policy - Community Relations - BP 1330 - Use of School Facilities and Administrative Regulations - Community Relations - AR 1330 - Use of School Facilities: · The process for obtaining a Civic Center Permit to use a District facility · Any know issues that arise on a regular basis

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    Carol Delton over 3 years ago

    I appreciate the attention to detail for this program and the values expressed in the policy and administrative regulations, which I hope will also be incorporated into considerations for leasing, especially that OUSD should not lose out or be disadvantaged in the process of rental. I hope these committees will also seek to understand what the limitations on use (if any) of facilitron revenue may be, how the income can be equitably distributed in a meaningful way, and how income will be projected for the upcoming budget.