Meeting Time: September 08, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

W.-1 21-2181 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0012 - Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination for Students Aged 12 and Over.

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    Rosana G over 3 years ago

    To mandate a vaccine on children without a longer testing period is not the answer. The data is already there in regards to children having lesser symptoms and a less severe illness. I feel we will see many more students leave OUSD as a result. This should definitely be a choice for parents to make for their children.

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    Chandra Kennedy over 3 years ago

    This resolution will harm black and brown children whose families have lower vaccination rates compared to white and Asian families. If passed, Oakland will lose a huge percentage of black and brown students from our schools.

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    josh cline over 3 years ago

    In general, I support vaccine requirements. Wide vaccine use keeps students safe, teachers safe, families safe, and the unvaccinated safer. However, I worry about possible unintended consequences, such as students refusing the vaccine and therefore unenrolling in school. It should be done slowly, with careful thought, and with community engagement.

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    Ann Whidden over 3 years ago

    As a parent and an MPH I support the call for mandatory vaccinations for all who are eligible. It needs to be coupled with robust distance learning options and the opportunity for students who choose distance learning to re-enroll at their original school without losing their spot.

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    Jason Klein over 3 years ago

    Passing this item will be the beginning of the end for public education in Oakland. More parents will move their children to charter and private schools. Schools will close as funding drops. Be smart and reject this resolution.

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    Des L over 3 years ago

    Our children have suffered enough. They ALL need to be in school regardless of vaccination status.

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    Kristie Boering over 3 years ago

    Requiring vaccinations, along with masking, is the only approach that will protect our students, teachers, and other staff from dire consequences from the delta variant causing COVID-19. For their mental and physical well-being, the majority of our children need to be at school and in-person, as they are now. I fully support requiring vaccination for ages 12 and up to be on OUSD campuses (and for under 12 when those younger ages are approved).

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    Lisa Sutton over 3 years ago

    As the parent of an OUSD student who is not old enough for the vaccine, I fully SUPPORT requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for all eligible students.

    The Pfizer vaccine is fully approved by the FDA and other vaccinations are mandatory to attend school in person. We need to protect students, staff, and our communities.

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    Catharine Freyer over 3 years ago

    Please require vaccine for this important public health issue at this unprecedented time.