Meeting Time: September 08, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

P.-1 21-2032 Superintendent's Report - September 8, 2021: Highlights from Schools ? Stories from schools Covid Safety Protocols ? Ventilation Update ? Staffing Vaccine Rate & Protocols ? Testing Protocols ? Positive Case Dashboard and Contact Tracing Protocols Sojourner Truth Distance Learning Update ? Services Enrollment & Attendance ? Enrollment Counts ? Attendance Numbers ? Attendance Strategy

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    Elizabeth DeLuca over 3 years ago

    Thank you so much for the hard work to get our schools open. Please continue to advocate for teachers, staff, and eligible students to be immunized ASAP.

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    Laura Schroeder over 3 years ago

    Thank you to OUSD teachers and staff for opening schools. Being in person has been great for our kindergartner and our family. Know it has been a heavy lift. Appreciate all you do!

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    M Hernandez over 3 years ago

    Thank you for opening our schools, my 3 kids are happy and thriving ! The case # are less and it’s allowing us to return to some normal.. thank you staff and teachers for keeping open! Virtual is not an option for us !!!

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    Brandon Wall over 3 years ago

    Thank you OUSD teachers and staff for all your hard work keeping our kids safe and learning in person! We all know it has required a tremendous lift. The smiles we see and stories we hear at the end of rach day are a testament to the joyful learning that is happening.

    Please continue to keep what’s best for students and families centered in your decision making. It would be great to see follow through on extended hub hours and making aggregate testing data public as it would be good to have more confidence that the decline in positive caseloads is not the result of less testing.

    The declining caseloads in schools appears to suggest that our kids are safer in school than they were out of school during the summer! Let’s start planning now to have all students take home testing kids over the winter holidays and have them test on Jan 1 or 2 before returning to school.

    Should we have student and staff vaccination mandates? I don’t know, but I appreciate your discussion and debating it!

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    Joseph Trumpledor over 3 years ago

    Really appreciate the hard work OUSD is doing for our children's education and well-being by keeping schools open. This shouldn't even be a close question. Oakland students do better in person and deserve no less than their peers in private and neighboring districts who have been enjoying in-person instruction since last year. So thanks again for taking the obvious and correct action by keeping the schools open for full-time, in person instruction. Next on the agenda should be a vaccine mandate for all eligible students and staff. Its ridiculous that some of the same idiots that failed to oppose school closures (including certain OUSD board members) are now refusing to get the vaccine.

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    Selam Brown over 3 years ago

    Thank you for doing a wonderful job keeping our kids safe in school!!! My 1st grader is thriving and SO SO HAPPY! Keep up the progress and continued good work OUSD!

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    Diedre Poletiek over 3 years ago

    Thank you for all you’ve done to open and keep our schools open. My children are so happy to be back in the classroom learning. We are a COVID nervous family, but feel good about the efforts made and ongoing preventative measures. Thank you!!

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    Ross Lindell over 3 years ago

    Thank you for keeping our kids safe, and keeping them in school. My daughter is so pleased to be back with her teachers and friends. Keep up the hard work, and we support you.

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    Yvonne R over 3 years ago

    The benefits of inperson school far outweigh the risk from covid especially now with vaccines and precautions. My kids are so happy to be back in school and are no longer sad and withdrawn as they were under distance learning. Keeping schools open is vital to the well being and education of children. School IS their life and I'm so thankful to the district for making inperson a priority

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    Erin Proudfoot over 3 years ago

    Thank you so very much for all the amazing work you are doing to keep our kids going to school, IN PERSON. It is so important. Please do not consider sending kids back to distance learning. Your safety efforts are working! I am beyond impressed with the research done and how you are following the science. The guidelines for testing, quarantining, and modified quarantine are now being explained pretty clearly. I look forward to seeing later hours for the 10 regional testing sites to better serve our community. Thank you!

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    Heather Eisner over 3 years ago

    Huge thanks to OUSD, staff and teachers for everything they're doing to keep our kids safe and in school. My kindergartner and 1st grader are doing so well and we're so grateful to everyone for all the work that's gone into making this happen. Thank you!

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    Blake T over 3 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this information about the district's safety efforts. I have been very happy to see that we have been able to reopen all schools full-time and that the case numbers for students have been steadily going down every week since school started. I know that this reflects a huge effort from school and district staff to make this happen, and as a parent I am grateful for those efforts.

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    Ambler Ochstein over 3 years ago

    Thank you OUSD teachers and staff across the system for keeping our kids safe and learning in community. Your efforts are paying off in the smiles I see every day at school drop off and pick up!

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    OUSD Parents over 3 years ago

    We appreciate and thank OUSD for keeping our kids safe and schools open this year!

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    Amy S over 3 years ago

    Thank you OUSD for keeping schools and team sports open. Last year we had so much learn loss. This year I can really see the difference my student's engagement, interest and learning. Thank you for making this happen.

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    Jake Freed over 3 years ago

    We are thrilled to be back in school, full-time, in-person! Our third grader is remarkably better-off in school with his teachers and classmates than he was during the remote learning period. Our school, Crocker Highlands, is doing a terrific job with safety, and we have zero concerns about sending him in-person. We cannot allow "risk of COVID," however attenuated that risk may be, to keep dictating every aspect of our lives, especially the long-term wellbeing of our kids. If some folks want to keep their kids at home, that's a choice for them to make. We choose to be in school, getting the best possible education and social development for our son. Thanks again for making it happen.

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    Megan Bacigalupi over 3 years ago

    Thank you to all district staff who have made reopening and keeping kids in school a priority. It has been hugely important that OUSD has also followed CDPH guidance including using a “test to stay” model of the modified quarantine to keep as many kids safely in school as possible.

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    Jenny Johnson over 3 years ago

    I just want to thank everyone involved in making OUSD full-time and in person for our children this fall. My son is happier than I’ve seen him in over a year. He comes home excited, bubbling with information and exhausted from all of the stimulation. He is sleeping well and eating well and thriving. I feel that the benefits he is receiving going to school full-time and in-person far outweigh the risk. When I look at the numbers, OUSD is doing an excellent job keeping people safe from covid. Thank you, thank you and please keep up the great work.

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    Cynthia Siedel over 3 years ago

    Thank you all for all of your hard work to keep the kids safe and back in school! We appreciate you!

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    Conor Carroll over 3 years ago

    We need *weekly testing* of ALL people regularly coming onto ALL campuses (students + staff + volunteers). We need this data to be able to be sure that everyone is protected. Additionally we need strong guidance of masking in schools. As a teacher, I am frequently seeing students not wearing masks around campus, and I have no means of enforcing it aside from saying "please put on a mask." If students refuse, it feels as though I do not have the support to help this student either get masked or moved off campus.
    With full FDA approval we should support MANDATORY vaccines for our students as well (aside from medical or religious exemptions) just the same as we mandate vaccines for other deadly and transmissible diseases. Vaccination is not about politics; it's about science, and it's time we started listening to it. We need vaccines to become mandatory as the FDA approves the vaccines; right now for 16+ Pfizer, hopefully soon for other ages and vaccines.