Meeting Time: August 25, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

W.-3 21-2015 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2021-0128C - Postponing Blueprint Cohort 3 Decision to Fall 2022

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    Sayuri Sakamoto over 3 years ago

    My name is Sayuri Valenza and I am a special education teacher at Bret Harte Middle School. As someone who teaches at a school that is always fighting co-location, I strongly support this resolution to postpone any Blueprint plans. We are working so hard right now to serve the needs of our students who have endured a lot of trauma due to schools being closed for over a year. Our students need as much stability as possible. Having their neighborhood school close anytime is awful, but even more so during a pandemic. Do the right thing and postpone all Blueprint considerations. Thank you.

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    Jessica Gray over 3 years ago

    Please postpone any school closures/mergers and blueprint plans. Our schools are under serious strain from the pandemic and the delta variant, and educators and families are working harder than ever to keep things stable for our children.

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    Caroline Stern over 3 years ago

    Postpone indefinately any plan to close public schools. We need to keep our schools open and the community served with additional resources not closures.

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    Ingrid Hogle over 3 years ago

    I strongly support VP Davis' proposal to postpone BluePrint Cohort 3 Decisions to Fall 2022. I am hopeful that enrollment pilots and changes in heart by White parents can alter the landscape and lead to less need to close schools. (Like, can more White parents in Oakland decide to send their kids to public schools rather than private schools, for example...because they realize that they value a diverse democracy, and because OUSD is becoming less dysfunctional under our current leadership? Can Courtney Martin's book, Learning in Public, reach these people?)

    Let us pause and lean in to this moment and focus on our "restorative restart" and COVID safety.

    If you need to keep closing schools, please figure out less harmful ways to do so than have been done in the past...and give yourselves a year to figure this out.

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    Rachel Latta over 3 years ago

    Please postpone any school changes/closures/mergers including any under the blueprint. Our school communities are under enormous strain with the delta variant already. I strongly support Director Davis’ resolution.