Meeting Time: August 25, 2021 at 4:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

T.-5 21-1890 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 2122-0004 - Permitting Sojourner Truth Students to Transfer Back to Their In-Person Schools.

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    Maite Echaniz over 3 years ago

    I support permitting Sojourner Truth students to transfer back to their in-person schools. This is a unique and challenging time, and we must allow for optimal flexibility to support all families for students to reach their maximum educational potential.

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    Jennifer Rice over 3 years ago

    I understand that the state has limited the ability to have meaningful distance learning, which we should also push on as a district now that the state legislators have returned and are wrapping up changes to AB 130 by 9/10. The Delta variant’s impact on our community and on kids wasn’t fully understood at the time AB 130 was passed. At a minimum, students need to have the option to return to the school that they were last enrolled in, including dual language immersion schools. Also, dual language (in some way) needs to be included in the programming at Sojourner Truth or we need language instruction from our previous school to ensure a seamless return to the dual language school the following year.

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    Gabrielle Sloane Law over 3 years ago

    We should not be punishing students and their families for protecting the health of high-risk family members during a deadly pandemic, period!

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    Samantha Liapes over 3 years ago

    Parents should not be penalized for making the decision that they need to keep their child home throughout this Delta surge and/or until a COVID vaccine is available for younger children. I've spoken with many parents of higher risk children and/or have higher risk household members that want to keep their children home until there is a vaccine, but are afraid of losing their school placements. Losing a spot in a beloved school is a multi-year punishment that no parent should have to experience simply because they want to keep their child safe. I support this resolution.

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    mary Prophet over 3 years ago

    Many parents find it too dangerous to send their children to school right now. But when they feel it is safe these chlldren should be able to return to their school of origin

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    Sydney Dexter over 3 years ago

    Our families should have the right to select distance learning without having to sacrifice their spot in their school community. They know what is best for their family, and we should not be enacting policies that make that even more difficult than it already is.

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    Natasha Saleski over 3 years ago

    Families should be able to choose distance learning without the threat of losing their spot at school.

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    Chloe Erskine over 3 years ago

    I support ensuring students can return to their original in person schools because not doing so makes life that much harder for families and kids to readjust elsewhere which deeply inconveniences them during a very hard time already. OUSD Board think with your heart and take one less thing off students minds and plates! This is the right thing to do

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    Allison Grill over 3 years ago

    Students should be able to re-enroll in their in-person schools if they are utilizing the distance learning program at SJT. We need our district leaders to be flexible and creative right now, not taking hard stances that do not serve our students or community.

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    Ingrid OBrienAvery over 3 years ago

    Please allow students who opt for distance learning to return to their home schools.

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    Lauren Gerber over 3 years ago

    COVID continues to evolve and the resources available to the community should not be punitive in nature. If students/families require distance learning for a period that should not impact their ability to return to their regular in-person school. Other districts seem to be better at managing their COVID response, perhaps OUSD needs outside guidance to organize a more informed approach.

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    M S over 3 years ago

    Parents, please approve the immediate resignation of Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services.
    In the late 1980's Mr Barclift severely flogged two 11 year old boys with a lumber beam. One of those children later died in 2009 from a drug overdose. This man is a scum bag child beater, not a "food hero". He sought employment with OUSD to be rewarded for his violent act against those kids and potentially other kids. He even featured last year on his youtube channel a man flogging another man unconscious (he later removed the video after warned by OUSD). Despite being informed about Mr Barclift, OUSD keeps Mr Barclift employed fulfilling his desire to make his victims pay him. Paramountly, protect your child from this man. Secondly, the decision for OUSD to keep employing this man symbolizes to every child victim of severe assault, the employees OUSD is willing to keep in their company.

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    Joy Sledge over 3 years ago

    Parents and families should be able to opt in distance learning without losing their spot at the school.