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Agenda Item

21-0649 Presentation to and discussion by LCAP - Parent Advisory Committee of Continuing Investments from the Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan; Initial Feedback Priorities Investments in the 2021-24 LCAP and the Use of COVID-Relief Funds: RECAP: MAIN POINTS FROM THE FEBRUARY BUDGET PRESENTATION 5 minutes Questions & Answers 5 minutes OVERVIEW OF NEEDS, GOALS, AND RELATED INDICATORS TO BE MONITORED BY THE LCAP 10 minutes Questions & Answers 5 minutes REVIEW OF CONTINUING ACTIONS AND INVESTMENTS RELATED FROM THE LEARNING CONTINUITY & ATTENDANCE PLAN (LCP) 15 minutes Guiding Questions: 1) What investments will need to continue next year; what investments have been identified already? (This includes the use of federal, LCFF, other state, COVID-relief, and local funding)? 2) How do these continuing investments show up under the draft LCAP goals? How do they address the goals? Questions & Answers 5 minutes ?BREAKOUT GROUP DISCUSSIONS: INITIAL FEEDBACK FOR PRIORITY INVESTMENTS 35 minutes Discussion Question: On what types of support should we most focus our investments? - for the 2021-22 school year? - for the next three school years (the length of our new LCAP, 2021-24) 1st: Speak from your experience as a student, parent, teacher, or other staff about investments to meet the needs of a specific student or students. 2nd: Speak as leader about investments to meet the needs of your diverse school community. 3rd: Consider needs and experiences that might not be as common in your school community (examples: relate to income, race/ethnicity, dis/ability, language fluency, foster experience, unhoused experience, etc.) ?SHARE OUT AND LARGE GROUP DISCUSSION 20 minutes ?MEMBER REFLECTION: COMMITTEE NEXT STEPS 5 minutes

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    M S almost 4 years ago

    First I'd like to thank you for asking my opinion as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.
    Parents, please sign the petition to call for the immediate resignation of Donnie Barclift, Field Supervisor, Nutrition Services.