Meeting Time: March 11, 2021 at 6:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

G.-1 21-0294 Presentation to and discussion by the Budget and Finance Committee, with the Chief Business Officer, or designee, of 2020-2021 Second Interim Report with focus on Multi-Year Projections and Fiscal Solutions Analysis.

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    Carol Delton almost 4 years ago

    I would like to ask a couple of questions to clarify last night's presentation: (1) Please clarify if the $1.6 million reduction of contribution for Nutrition Services is expected to be ongoing and if not, why not, as it is rare for a nutrition services program to require an unrestricted contribution; (2) Please clarify if the $3.3 million mentioned in additional SpEd funding from property taxes will result in a reduced unrestricted contribution for 2020-21 and if this will be ongoing.

    Also: I note the number of management/administrative/confidential employees listed in the 2d Interim as 439, approximately 100 more (or 30% more) than OUSD had ten years ago, per the 2010-11 2d Interim. It has been a pattern that across several years that the 2d interim projected a reduction in management for the following year, the reduction did not materialize. OUSD remains disproportionate in this area, mostly due to Central Administration.