Meeting Time: October 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

20-2017 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Education for Change Public Schools - Achieve Academy - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades TK-5 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal).

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    Vicki Gowans over 4 years ago

    Lodestar school has provided a CHOICE for me in selecting a school for my grandchild that has provided for her needs. The Lodestar staff has supported and nurtured her to the extent she has grown educationally, emotionally, and socially. Lodestar's charter should be renewed because all children should have the opportunity to learn in an environment that is conducive to their style of learning and not be subjected to set in stone standards which does not work for every person as each child is an individual with individual needs. Lodestar actually takes the OUSD and government standards and additionally go the extra mile to give the child what is required for their academic and life successful.

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    Francisco Valdespino over 4 years ago

    We love Achieve because even with our son's Autism challenges he has always had supporting and nurturing educators caring for him and his education. We have truly seen his academic growth and his love for his Achieve community. We want Achieve's charter renewed because every child should have the opportunity to thrive in a caring and nurturing educational community that truly values the child as a whole.

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    Aura Martin over 4 years ago

    Me encanta la enseñanza de Achieve y la dedicación de los profesores. Tienen una excelente forma de enseñar a los niños, se preocupan por cada uno de ellos. Entonces mi hijo se siente bien y está seguro y la forma en que se educa.

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    Maria Espinoza over 4 years ago

    Lo que me gusta de achieve academy es ,los programas que tienen para ayudar a los alumnos y padres, en como se esfuerzan los maestros para enseñar a los niños ,para que aprendan y motivan para q mejoren cada día. Por q es una escuela que tiene muy buenos maestros ,y por que es una de las pocas escuelas que tienen el personal, para ayudar a los niños con necesidades especiales . Por que esta serca de mi vecindario, y mas que todo por que encontre en esa escuela la educacion q necesita mis hijos.

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    Maria Espinoza over 4 years ago

    Lo que me gusta de Lograr Academy son los programas que tienen para ayudar a los estudiantes y padres, en cómo los maestros se esfuerzan por enseñar a los niños, para aprender y motivarlos a mejorar cada día. Porque es una escuela que tiene muy buenos maestros y porque es una de las pocas escuelas que tiene el personal para ayudar a los niños con necesidades especiales. Elijo Achieve porque está cerca de mi barrio, y sobre todo porque encontré en esa escuela la educación que mis hijos necesitan.

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    Martha Rivas over 4 years ago

    Achieve es una escuela muy disciplinada. Es una escuela con excelente aprendizaje y educación.

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    Zulma Parent over 4 years ago

    Me gusta Achieve porque los niños aprenden mucho. Los profesores son muy amables.

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    Leslie Parent over 4 years ago

    Es una escuela muy interesante y aplicada. Se preocupan mucho por los niños y les prestan mucha atención. Los niños aprenden de la mejor manera.

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    Carolyn Chung over 4 years ago

    I support the renewal of Achieve's charter renewal because it is a school that does the work and implements changes to provide high quality education.
    Not only does Achieve hire staff to support language needs (such as Mam and Arabic), but it hires parents, investing in the community. We also have early childhood programs for parents & kids between 0-5. In some cases, parent volunteers become educators, taking an active role in reading intervention and strengthening the school-family connection. Regarding the pandemic response, Achieve has supported families with their most urgent needs: food access (weekly food bank), technology support, benefits enrollment, researching & making referrals for financial relief for undocumented families, and more. Families know that if they reach out to the school regarding hardships or challenges, the school staff will listen, reach out, and follow up to get them the support they need.

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    Botumrath Khin over 4 years ago

    We love the community at achieve.Achieve’s charter should be renewed because It is a great school for young kids to go to and learn at. I chose to send my child because my daughter enjoys going there. The adults and staff are kind and supporting and it is a overall great community and school.

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    Tomasa CarilloMendoza over 4 years ago

    La escuela y los maestro ayudan mucho a los niños. La escuela es muy responsable a los niños.

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    Cristal Manrrique over 4 years ago

    I love that at Achieve you always feel welcome. The teachers always try to help you with any concern that you have. I think the charter should be renewed because overall it’s a great school and they count with several resources that our community benefits from. My daughter that’s in eight grade right now went to achieve and we had a really good experience with her in Achieve. That’s why I decided to send my son to Achieve. But the most important thing is because he loves going to Achieve he feels safe and loves all the staff.

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    Cornelia Barrios over 4 years ago

    Me gusta la idea de que ACHIEVE tenga programas fuera de clase, como eventos para niños, festivales, elegí Achieve porque me gustó lo que vi. Espero que cuando termine la pandemia veré lo que me dijeron que era una escuela que tenía hermosos eventos para los niños porque me gustaría que mi hija viviera esas cosas. Otro punto que me gustaría tener en cuenta es que hay más personas que hablan español e inglés en Achieve porque a mi niña le ha costado mucho aprender inglés ya que en casa solo hablamos español.

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    Kuangyu Tsai over 4 years ago

    For the four years my daughter has been at the school, she’s always had teachers who have been invested in her success, and who taken a personal interest in encouraging her and supporting her. The teachers work really hard, and they really care about the kids. Quarantine has been tough, but in general, she loves going to school every day!It’s a good school, a school that’s doing its best to serve its students.

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    Irais Parent over 4 years ago

    ACHIEVE es una buena escuela porque los profesores enseñan muy bien. Elijo Achieve porque está cerca de mi casa y mi hijo mayor asistió a la misma escuela.

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    Allison Delgado over 4 years ago

    As Director of Family Resource Services at EBAC, my family resource center has worked in partnership with Achieve Academy, since its inception, to successfully engage families and support the growth of parent leadership. Creating and developing leadership and growth opportunities for families of Achieve students is a core value of both of our organizations. Achieve Academy’s commitment to partnering with families to support their children, creates a more resilient Fruitvale community and children so that everyone thrives and succeeds. I strongly urge you to support Achieve Academy’s charter renewal.

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    Maria Lozano over 4 years ago

    Necesitamos Lodestar pues es una escuela que aporta a nuestra comunidad enseñanza de primer nivel con entrega y responsabilidad para que nuestros hijos tengan un futuro mejor

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    Lemuel Gary over 4 years ago

    Achieve is a unique place that serves a great community honorably and effectively.

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    Jim Mordecai over 4 years ago

    As written the EFC student retention policy in Achieve Academy's Charter is out of compliance with Ed Code 48070.5 that ended social promotion. What is lacking is making clear that poor performance on State testing for math and reading is automatic retention and can only be the default if "regular classroom teacher in writing" overrules retention. EFC policy does not place final decision to overrule detention in hands of classroom teacher and therefore, is not in compliance with Education Code.

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    Achieve Teacher over 4 years ago

    Achieve goes above and beyond to support the whole child. This includes assessing students to determine specific needs, small group and individualized academic and social support, family resources, and more. During the shelter in place, this has shone through as our school has relentlessly worked to serve our families, get all students connected with technology to attend classes, and made sure that families are supported with basic needs as well. Teachers at the school are dedicated to their students' academic and emotional success as well. It is a true community of learners from the youngest students to the veteran staff.