Meeting Time: September 09, 2020 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

R.-1 20-1641 Public Hearing and Adoption by the Board of Education of the District's 2020-2021 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. ___ *A copy of the Plan (draft) is available, for public inspection only via the link (Attachment 2) herein as of August 29, 2020.

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    Naasir Abram over 4 years ago

    Again the only focus I hear about Black students is in regards to anti-racism training. Black students make-up 23% of the students in the district and have the lowest performance, attendance, access, etc. How much of this money are you specifically providing to address Black students academically and social emotionally? Literacy mentors are provided for TK and funded through a grant; not sustained via district dollars; family navigators at each site are current staff with added on responsibilities; reading literacy only address up to grade 3-5 not middle or high school; technology access for Black families is extremely low and any real data on this has not been specifically stated; Black students mostly reside in East Oakland where the probability of contracting COVID is extremely high; NO supports or an academic plan for mid-level performing Black Students because they do not qualify for any external funding, so it seems we just leave them behind and on their own AS ALWAYS!