Meeting Time: September 09, 2020 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

P.-3 20-1414 Approval by Board of Education of the Annual Report of Gifts, Donations, Bequests and/or Grants for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, individually and separately, accepted for the District totaling $1,259,321.91, by the Superintendent of Schools, pursuant to Board Policy 3290.

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    Carol Delton over 4 years ago

    Many thanks to CBO Grant Dawson for this detailed and documented report. At the same time, I am confused by the relatively low amount in comparison to $9.8 million already received in 2020-21 per the first three BOE Agendas -- not counting the 15.2 state grants for a variety of ECE programs and supports) and the relatively short list of donors compared to the multiple pages in the Unaudited Actuals documenting the source of funds in the restricted balance. Are there any types or sources of grants that are excluded from the report? Aside from the joint Tech fundraising (including the Dorsey donation), are there other donations from the 2019-20 year that were directed to outside organizations but benefiting OUSD students? Thank you!