Meeting Time: September 09, 2020 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

O.-1 20-1668 Public Comments on All Items (Non-voting) A-N - September 9, 2020.

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    Naasir Abram over 4 years ago

    I support Prop 16. Yet, I am extremely concerned that throughout the Superintendent Report, Chief Academic Officer report that Black students were not specifically named as a vulnerable population: I heard SPED, ELL, some APIDA, unhoused, foster...NOT SPECIFICALLY Black Students. Even reading many pieces of the documents proposed the information supporting Black students read like "we will address as needed" with no specific strategies or dollar amounts attached. ALL I heard was anti-racism and anti-Blackness training. It is ANTI-BLACK to not specifically state Black students as a vulnerable population as a WHOLE.