Meeting Time: April 24, 2020 at 8:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C.-1 19-2517 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1920-0182 - 2020 Facilities Master Plan*. ___ *Note: Referred by Facilities Committee to Board of Education for Discussion Only on April 22, 2020.

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    Sharon Danks almost 5 years ago

    My name is Sharon Danks. I’m CEO of Green Schoolyards America, a national nonprofit that transforms asphalt schoolyards into park-like green spaces that improve children’s wellbeing, learning and play, and build urban ecological resilience. Over the last 3 years we have collaborated with OUSD and TPL to envision, grow and support a districtwide Living Schoolyard Initiative.

    We commend OUSD for including Living Schoolyards in the Facilities Master Plan. As the land manager of 505 acres in the heart of every Oakland neighborhood, your investment in school grounds is vitally important to children’s wellbeing, ecological health and quality of life for local communities. Thank you for committing to inventory and evaluate your grounds and develop child-friendly green infrastructure (ie. trees) to protect & nurture Oakland’s kids.

    We strongly support OUSD’s Living Schoolyard vision. We recommend approving this FMP and creating an implementation plan. We look forward to ongoing partnership.

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    Kat Romo almost 5 years ago

    My name is Kat Romo. I am an Oakland resident and have worked in numerous capacities throughout my 24 year tenure in the District. In my current position within Health and Wellness, I work to coordinate OUSD’s school learning gardens and greening projects.

    I deeply appreciate that Living Schoolyards have been highlighted and embraced within the Facilities Master Plan. It is heartening to see that OUSD is taking the lead on the fundamental work of equitably positioning our schools as green spaces replete with gardens and shade. In particular, it is even more profound that OUSD is taking the reins on greening our grounds at a time when this pandemic is laying bare the social inequities of our country.

    I look forward to continuing our partnerships as we work to enliven the vision of OUSD schoolyards as places for nurture, nature, education, and health. I strongly recommend the passing of the FMP and look forward to our continued partnerships. I am optimistic about what lies ahead.

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    Trudy Garber almost 5 years ago

    I comment for The Trust for Public Land (TPL). Since 2017, TPL has collaborated with OUSD to build living schoolyard pilot projects in Oakland, co-led the process to develop/pass the Board Policy on Living Schoolyards, and raised > $3M for the initiative.
    I commend OUSD for committing in the Facilities Master Plan to develop child-friendly green infrastructure on school grounds to strengthen environmental resilience (p 21). These spaces will provide learning opportunities for students in all areas of education, including science, art and problem solving.
    I applaud OUSD’s commitment (p 57) to inventory/evaluate school grounds based on living schoolyard elements, such as tree canopy cover, gardens, outdoor classrooms, and nature play areas, and select new living schoolyards projects based on site conditions, equity, readiness and alignment with other planned improvements.
    We recommend the Board approves the FMP, and are eager to support OUSD’s vision to improve school grounds.