Meeting Time: February 26, 2020 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

S.-1 20-0180 Discussion and possible adoption by the Board of Education, referred by the Budget and Finance Committee, of recommendations, regarding the Superintendent of Schools, or designee, proposed Budget Prioritization/Reductions for FY 2020-2021, presented to the Board of Education (Board) on February 12, 2020, Budget and Finance Committee on February 18, 2019 including any recommended updates, changed scenarios thereto and provision by staff of detailed responses to the inquiries and/or feedback Board made to staff during presentation and discussion and same by Board members, individually, subsequent to said presentation/discussion, as authorized by Board during the meeting.

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    Angelica Jongco almost 5 years ago

    Thanks for providing information on school site impact but we need trend info for all the data provided - especially with 1-time money (like Low-Performing Student Block Grant or Comprehensive Support & Improvement) & staffing. We can't tell how what is projected for 20-21 compares to what district received in 19-20. The public should also see private dollars school communities have access to from PTAs & funders beyond Salesforce. Please post the 1-pagers - last year and this year. We need community discussion of equity formula. I like duplicated student approach (these shouldn't be called "LCFF students"), focus on SWD and literacy, but we need more discussion of whether other factors like gun violence in neighborhood should be part of formula as in LA. Please explain why MYP shows $35M Books/Supplies. If schools have significant carryover, spend this 1st rather than cutting from schools. Concerned some schools getting base cuts and losing clerical without additional funds.