Meeting Time: February 01, 2020 at 9:00am PST
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Agenda Item

D. Adjournment

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    Carol Delton about 5 years ago

    continued comment: At the time (2012) we were concerned that she might not get into Tech which is 2 blocks away from our home. I believe the creation of academy pathways across the city has relieved --or should have relieved--some of that pressure on Tech.

    I also think that OUSD is large enough to offer different kinds of options within the district including some small "by design" schools, which is one of the primary benefits charters offer. I still do not understand why the Board voted to close a school that was paying its own way and offered this option (Kaiser). I still don't understand why Roots students couldn't have had a "teach out" option or CCPA didn't have to offer them space when Roots was closed.