Meeting Time: December 11, 2019 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

X. Introduction of New Legislative Matter(s)

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    Jim Mordecai about 5 years ago

    Bond Measure J was passed in 2012 listing the projects the public was voting on. The Board has approved projects not on the original list presented to voters in 2012. Example has been bond money spent on first building a replacement administration building that was damaged in 2013 after the Oakland voters passed Measure J. File #19-2369 Contract for the Cole Administration Center Project was not on the 2012 listing of projects the voters approved but is on the Consent Agenda for Board approval. Board's lawyer approves but public should NOT approved as not telling the public what they are being asked to be taxed to pay for if not illegal is morally corrupt.