Meeting Time: October 24, 2019 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

19-2149 7-11 Committee Assembly and then Break Out Sessions with Attendance Area Community to a) receive input, pursuant to statutory criteria, as to whether the Tilden CDC (Formerly) is needed presently and in the foreseeable future as in educational facility by the District and b) if not, shall the property be declared surplus and what advisory recommendation(s), if any, on future use should be made to the Board of Education. This item constitutes a hearing of community input to the 7-11 Committee on acceptable uses of space and real property pursuant to Education Code Section 17390(c).

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    Cintya Molina over 5 years ago

    With the current co-siting at Cole of the Young Adult student program/classrooms alongside administrative offices and the police department and the recent growth of the Young Adult Program; any site that emerges should be considered for use by this vulnerable group of Special Education students who need a fully equipped campus and improved access to employment/community opportunities to be able to meet their transition goals to employment and community participation. A site like Tilden is at the center of the city, close to transportation routes, and in walking distance to many establishments and community spaces. Please consider the needs of this group of students as you review available sites.