Meeting Time: March 04, 2019 at 10:30am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

D.-1 19-0394 Discussion by the Board of Education of the Draft AB 1840 Plan previously submitted by the Superintendent of Schools to FCMAT and the Alameda County Superintendent of Schools pursuant to Education Code Section 42160(a).

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    Jonathan MatesMuchin almost 6 years ago

    I oppose the closure & sale of public schools for the resale or rental by charter schools. The Board need to provide more oversight on these closure and document that these closures will benefit our children. The charter schools in Oakland need to contribute their fair share, as proposed by our Governor, and until such a time, OUSD should not look to sell our properties to charter schools. While I believe some charters are doing good, others are a drain and this should be analyzed.

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    Paul Paradis almost 6 years ago

    I echo Ian P's comments. This is an undemocratic meeting. Please complete an independent audit before any cuts to school programs.

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    Ian P almost 6 years ago

    Please cancel this meeting. The Oakland community has made it very clear that the Board's attempts to sneak $30M in budget cuts into a board meeting - in the context of its unexplained and unexpected $60M discrepancy between the budget adopted 6/27/18 and Revision 1 announced 10/15/18 - are not appreciated or tolerated.

    The Board's decision to hold the meeting at 10:30 when the community can't attend and debate the issues is undemocratic and unacceptable.