Meeting Time: November 30, 2016 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

16-2569 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1617-0089 - Reaffirming District Facilities, Programs Are A Sanctuary for All Children and Adults.

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    Randee Aydin about 8 years ago

    I support this legislation and would like to see the following added in order to strengthen it:
    • Protections for Muslim students;
    • A commitment to academic freedom for OUSD educators;
    • An affirmation that OUSD students will not be questioned by law enforcement without parents and guardians present, and
    • Resources for Oakland parents to be able to determine which charter schools do, or do not, have this same type of commitment to all students.

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    Trevor Hardee about 8 years ago

    As a young working professional in the City of Oakland, I find this issue very important as our city needs to be a leader and show the citizens that everyone deserves an equal chance of opportunity for success free from fear of being unwanted regardless of citizenship status. Oakland needs to keep our working class safe and not living in fear. The bay area would not be the place that it is today without our immigrant working class. Please vote to keep Oakland open and safe for all.

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    shikira porter about 8 years ago

    I support reaffirming a safe place for immigrants students and families WITH language change-

    I join Parents United in demanding language including:
    Protections for Muslim students;
    A commitment to academic freedom for OUSD educators;
    An affirmation that OUSD students will not be questioned by law enforcement without parents and guardians present, and
    Resources for Oakland parents to be able to determine which charter schools do, or do not, have this same type of commitment to all students.